New Website Design by Pinkdog Designs



Pinkdog Designs was approached to help this local environmental organization rebrand, following a change of name. In partnership with we also completely renovated their web presence too. is built as a fully customized wordpress site so that our clients have complete editing control of their own content 24/7. Of course this site is 100% responsive so it works on desktop, tablet and phone.

Check out and sign up for their regular updates to stay informed. They are good people!

Other projects for CKISS:


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event poster design

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promotional poster design



CKISS Graphic Design and illustration

 logo design

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interpretive sign designScreen shot 2014-06-05 at 8.35.47 PM Screen shot 2014-06-05 at 8.36.00 PM

special event menu design

social media advertising

special event promotional designs for web

CKISS_insert_final CKISS_insert_finalrack card design