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December 3, 2013
Comments Off on New Logo day…

New Logo day…

New Logo Day and some photos of the view from my home office because its so pretty today.


Logo Design


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December 2, 2013
Comments Off on Late night menu design…

Late night menu design…

Late night menu board edits for Whitewater Winter Resort ..dreaming of skiing…


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November 28, 2013
Comments Off on Winter Banners are Up!

Winter Banners are Up!

Screen shot 2013-11-28 at 4.28.46 PMNelson, BC Illustrator Designer

November 28, 2013
Comments Off on Small town Magic

Small town Magic

Holiday family festivities coming our way Dec 6th… sponsored by pinkdogdesigns!

Nelson Elf Walk

August 19, 2013
Comments Off on My New Canvas!

My New Canvas!

Biggest canvas so far…

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August 19, 2013
Comments Off on 100 Likes!


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100th liker-of-Pinkdog Designs-Facebook-page Amy wins a special thank you.

Ive always wanted to do a Kootenay Critters series of illustrated local wildlife restickable wall stickers for kids and with Amy just giving birth to her second boy we agreed that some fun animal characters would be a good subject. 

So far Im thinking a wolverine, painted turtle, pileated woodpecker, a kokanee, black bear …

Any ideas are welcome!



June 21, 2013
Comments Off on Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood…

Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood…

Poetry Lives Here –  sweet + simple logo design representing a street installation of poems by local poets for Nelson’s 25th Anniversary Artwalk this year. July 5th Opening Night !




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Read Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken





June 18, 2013
Comments Off on New Logo Design

New Logo Design

Quick Logo Design and Facebook Page Branding for Black Bear Timber Services in Nelson, BC.

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June 9, 2013
Comments Off on Forbidden Delights!

Forbidden Delights!

Invasive Species


I personally didnt know much about invasive species until I started working on a promotional campaign for  CKIPC Invasive Species Week. I was a little embarrassed to learn that in my ignorance I almost  ripped up some “Dreadable Edible” Japanese knotweed from the side of the road to transplant into into my garden – because I thought it was “beautiful”. The hidden reality about this invasive species is totally and scarily not pretty. In the UK, the slightest trace of Japanese knotweed on your property – even on your street – is a reason to be refused a mortgage. Underground, its roots – or rhizomes – can spread 7m horizontally and compromise the structure of buildings. Even a fingernail-sized fragment is enough to grow into a whole new plant. I did not know that.

But! it is edible like a selection of invasive species that Rel-ish Bistro in Nelson is serving up for dinner this week. Forbidden Delights. Here is a sneak peek at their menu:  promotional banner, ads, menus, rack cards and facebook page designed & illustrated by Pinkdog Designs:

Invasive Species menu Design







May 23, 2013
Comments Off on Pinkdog Designs Goes Live!

Pinkdog Designs Goes Live!
